We are grateful for donations of any amount to help us tell Lo​ïe Fuller's extraordinary story.
To make a tax-deductible contribution by credit card, click on the DONATE button below to be directed to the secure website of our fiscal sponsor, The Gotham.
To make an international or non-deductible contribution, please use the PAYPAL button below to make a PayPal or credit card payment.
To make a U.S. tax-deductible contribution by check, please make your check payable to The IFP Fiscal Sponsorship and add Obsessed with Light in the memo section.
Please send checks to:
Between the Rivers Productions, LLC
56 Oakwood Avenue
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043
Our Team and our Partners
Alberto Litchi Farca
Alden Peters
Alice Helpern
Allan Rappaport
Amy Cheng Vollmer
Angela Cali
Angela Meredith-Jones
Anne McGuire
Anthony Concannon
Barbara Porter
Benjamin Fein
Beth Margolis and Tom Kerrigan
Betty Murphy
Bobbie Marquis
Bonnie Yochelson
Brian Heidtke
Brenda Grassey
Bryna Linette and Peter Shapiro
Carol Geremia
Catherine Raia Silliman
Cathy Fink
Celia Radek and Larry Engelstein
Charlotte Fowler
Chelsea Bannan
Christina Cotton and Brian Clarkson
Christina Malle
Christopher White
Clifford Hudis
Colette Smith and Goetz Grossman
Cynthia Kane
David McCormick
David Reichman
Deborah Jerome
Dominik Vock
Doris Krauthammer
Francis Plowden
Frederick Lautzenheiser
Gail Spilsbury
Gail Woodley-Attella
Genie Reichman
Glenn Tilley
Goertz Grossman
Harvey Weinberg
Helen Tschudi
High Voltage Productions
H. Jeanne M. Laber
The Houston Family
Howard J Whitaker
Jack Bekhor
Jake Reichman
James Chandler
Jane Azia and Rob Quaintance
Jane Fletcher Geniesse
Jane Hurt
Janet Wallach
Janet Jarman
Jean McGlothlin
Jeff Wolk
Jennifer Stockman
Jill Kupferberg
Joan Porter MacIver
Joan Morgenstern
Joanne Mansfield
Joanne Ramos
John Reichman
Judith Rodriguez
Judy Dimon
Judy Lieberman
Judy Somberg
Julia Van Haaften
Karen Jakes
Karin Epstein Kuhns
Katherine Harris
Katrin Ewald
Kenneth and Sandy Abeles
Laura K. Lloyd
Laurie and Jay Mandelbaum
Lindsay and Lee Major
Lisa Sippel
Liz Heinecke
Lorraine Ward
Lorenzo Shapiro Shein
Lori Cheatle
Lori Weitzner
Lucy Galbraith
Lyn Hughes and Art Ferrara
Marcia Marley and Peter Rappoport
Margaret Bodde
Margaret Crimmins
Martha Michelson
Mary Lynn and Alan Gaddis
Matthias Erik Vock
Meryl Moskowitz
Myriam and Philipp Krayenbühl
Namita Luthra
Nancy Reichman and Charlie Gwirtsman
Nelsena Burt-Spano
Pamela Bowman
Pamela Harris
Pamela Hogan
Pascal Fouché
Patrice Dlugos
Patti Askwith Kenner
Paula Sanders
Raegan and Robert Lange
Rebecca and Jim Neary
Regina Scharf and Niklaus Krayenbühl
Rona Richter and Michael Krauthammer
Ruth Clapper
Ruth Levine
Sabine Wild
Sara Savage
Sean Duggan
Scott Saunders
Sharon Collaros
Shonna Valeska
Sterling Youngman
Sue and Gene Flamm
Susan MacLaury and Albie Hecht
Susan Belen
Susan Block
Susan T. Rodriguez
Suzanne and Mark Roth
Terry Johnson
Thelma Schoonmaker
The Victorian Society
Toby Sitnick
Tony Concannon
Ute and Thomas Krayenbühl
Vicki Wittenstein
Victoria Phillips